Religious holidaus

Corpus Domini: On the occasion of Corpus Domini, the streets of the town are covered with floral carpets that evoke religious images. The panels of surprising artistic perfection are the result of mastery and the contribution of the inhabitants of the country. Religious procession of the Corpus Domini (by the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament with the participation of the Confraternity of San Giovanni);

San Giovanni Battista – San Vincenzo Ferreri: On 24-25 June San Giovanni Battista and San Vincenzo Ferreri, patrons and patrons of Opi, are celebrated. (edited by the Confraternities of San Giovanni, Comitato Feste Patronali with the participation of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament);

 CULTURE AND TRADITION_ Rites and religious feasts I
Pilgrimage Church of Val Fondillo, 11.00 am S. Mass al Campo 13.00 lunch outdoors, followed by songs and choirs of the mountain …. (edited by the Alpini Opi Group); August 15th – August 15th in Opi: Religious Feast with a procession … (edited by the Feste Committee and the Confraternities of San Giovanni and S.S. Sacramento); On the second Sunday of September we celebrate St. Emidio and the Madonna delle Grazie. Religious procession … (by the Feste Committee with the participation of the Confraternities); The first Sunday of October is celebrated by St. Teresa and the Madonna del Rosario. Religious procession … (by the Feste Committee with the participation of the Confraternities).